Paper Shop Watch – lemon.drop.papers

There are so many reasons to swoon over lemon drop papers. I’ll tell ya why,
– they highlight one of the greatest things about stationery… the envelope!
– tiny things. who doesn’t love tiny things?
– secret spots for additional notes. it’s like uncovering hidden bits of joy.
– perfectly color and pattern coordinated!

please enjoy and then find an excuse to scoop up some of these delectable envelopcentic gems!

pretty poppy

I have a 12-15 new design goal for my semi-hiatus during 2013.  I have completed 2 with one in the works… a tad behind schedule, but let us focus on what we have completed!  Here is one design and the second will be along soon.  My favorite, favorite thing about this invitation?  Hands down… the stitched envelope liner.


This idea is one of 3 designs, inspired by a modern color block style.  I added some stamping and hand stitching and I love the bit of whimsy juxtaposed with a classic modern style.DSCN1269

Think of the color possibilities.  I love the bold contrast of the bright poppy with the white.DSCN1268


And the star…  She could use a little perfecting and neatening up… but I love her still.

modern wedding invitation poppy hand stitching

an easy gift for the canner in your life

Canning season is on the horizon.  If you are a canner, or you know a canner… this is exciting.  Personally, I have canned only under the tutelage of experienced canners.  This year I have a goal of canning at least one something on my own.

I recently made some simple canning labels for my mother-in-law.  These labels were inexpensive and super easy to make.  If you know someone who likes to can, here is a tip… make these for them, maybe they will reward you with some of the fruits of their canning labor.


I started by creating a very simple graphic in Photoshop.  You could probably even put something together in Word or draw and scan, depending on what you have available to you.  I just wanted a simple border with a bit of personalization and space for writing.

Once you have your image ready, head over the  This is my go-to place for custom stamps.  Great prices, excellent work, so many choices.

For this project, I chose to make a custom wood stamp with no handle.  For the size, I knew I wanted the labels to be able to fit the regular mouthed jars so I found these round labels for a steal, and I made my stamp to be 2×2 for a perfect fit.

Then I just waited.


When it all arrived, I got to work.  Really difficult stuff here… I didn’t worry too much about having them perfectly centered, cause I always like a rougher look.  It would not be very hard to get them all perfectly centered if that’s your thing… just a little extra patience.  It was easiest to remove the backing before stamping so I could clearly see the edges I was working with.


I thought I would like the white ink the best…  But it turned out that the black looked pretty cool.  They reminded me of little pennies.



Afterward, I snipped each tag off, just into squares and stacked then in a canning jar with a coordinating ribbon tied around the neck.  And viola, you are all set to make your canning friends very happy people!

tis the season for giving

No, no, I am not misreading my calendar…

I am talking about Spring.  The season of weddings and showers and birthdays and graduates and mothers and fathers and wait… is that it??

Here is the simplest little homemade idea that can be easily personalized for whatever occasion.

shoe stationery gift idea

Ok, so, I get that not everyone loves stationery… I don’t understand it, but I get it.  So even if we are not sending snail mail these days… these flat cards would make great thank-you’s or even little jotters on your desk.  I have really taken to the flat card style lately, less paper, less commitment, plus, I think it is fun to showcase the our handwriting.  Whether it is neat or messy, we so seldom see it these days, for me… it is a welcome sight.


As you may have guessed these were created for a shoe lover, with a stamp set that I purchased at Paper Source.  I wanted to use some nice paper, so I dipped into my fancy stash and used again Paper Source’s Luxe White Cover Stock, but anything you have will do.   I found some fun colorful envelopes to brighten up the white and they were complete.


So simple, and yet personal and meaningful too.  Call me selfish – – but it’s really nice to be able to make something for the people in our lives, without feeling like we have to dedicate hours and hours to the task.

Do you like to give handmade gifts?   What are some of your go-to ideas?

Ready to do-this-yourself??  Here are some of my go-to suppliers for paper and stamps and the rest is up to you!!  The possibilities are endless.  Enjoy!!

paper source
cards and pockets
paper and more
impress rubber stamps
hero arts

Need help figuring out which image would be best for your babysitters birthday, or how to weed through to find the best stamp and paper for your project?  Contact me, this is just the kind of thing I love to do!!

keeping things simple.

Saida recently celebrated her 3rd birthday.  In my opinion, 3 marks the year for the first official “friend party.”   I was excited about this milestone for her, but admittedly torn about how to proceed.  So I found myself with a choice to make, a {likely} stress producing, Pinterest and blog inspired, greatly satisfying, pat-myself-on-the-back party or just a plain ole’ party.  I do really enjoy throwing a big, well-coordinated bash but it feels a bit more daunting these days… I think it helped to be single and childless, able to sleep and recover as much as needed.

So I did it.  I went theme-less.  That’s right, no theme, no coordinating handmade party goods, just a simple play-date style lunch, some pin the tale on the donkey, balloons and dollar store decorations.

And it was lovely!  Everyone seemed to have a great time, and I wasn’t exhausted!  YAY!  Keeping it simple just may be the secret to surviving these baby years!

The invitations came out simple.simple.simple.  They were really the beginning of my non-theme theme which sort of developed as I created them.


The doodle is hand drawn with fine tip sharpies.  That’s it.  DSCN1258

Each one came out with it’s own unique swirly style.  Saida did have one request… pink.  Shocking.  Who is this ultra-feminine child?  She must get it from Ben’s side.DSCN1259


doodle pink birthday invitation

Just simple simple.   I can see some potential to glitz them up.  Maybe some glitter, or handwritten text.  Feel free to copy and update this idea, I was thinking of so many variations as I worked them, I would love to see how they can be improved!

Want help creating yours?  Contact me through the shop tab above!

Oh and with all my extra time, I was able to make her cake and frosting from scratch.  This was a first for me.  Thanks to Sweetapolita  they were totally yummy… and funfetti.

DSCN1282One thing that was planned from the start… I had to make our traditional ice cream come cupcakes…  A family birthday treat dating back to my grandmother…  Remember when you used to bring baked goods to school on your birthday before allergies and things got so crazy?  This was my go to… Every.Year.  I just loved the novelty.


Saida has already requested them for next year 🙂